Socis i col·laboracions
Taula de continguts
- Principals socis col·laboradors
- TauFormar
- Plataforma de teleformación
- Xarxes internacionals
- Socis col·laboradors per projectes
- Migration – Empowerment – Integration – Netzwerke
- Parents as family vocational adviser for children
- Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion
- Mentoring for Adult Education Leaders: Skills to Promote Participation, Gender Balance, Inclusion
- Lab-Learning
- From School to Career : A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT)
- Building Bridges
- Directing Life Change
- Learning in Active Neighbourhoods across Europe
- ATTEMPT – Attractive Training Techniquest to EMpower Parents and Teachers
- Synergies
- Stronger Children Less Violence 2
- Career Tree
- Protecting Enhancing Preparing Educating Informing – Pr.E.P.E.I.
Principals socis col·laboradors
Xarxes internacionals
L’European Anti-Bullying Network és una associació internacional sense ànim de lucre, creada el 2013 en el marc del projecte “European Anti-Bullying Network” finançat per la UE, i registrada oficialment a Bèlgica el 2015. EAN és una xarxa activa d’organitzacions que treballen a Espanya i a tota Europa per combatre l’assetjament escolar i la violència escolar.
Associació Baobab és membre fundador de l’EAN i des 2020 el seu president és membre de la seva Junta Directiva.
Migration – Empowerment – Integration – Netzwerke
- Paritätisches Bildungswerk Landesverband Nordrheinwestfalen e.V. (PBW)
- VESBE e.V. – Verein für Europäische Sozialarbeit, Bildung und Erziehung
- ZEBRA- Intercultural center for counselling and psychotherapie
- Social Innovation Fund
- European Pole of Knowledge
- Fachhochschule Frankfurt a.M. – Institut für Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (ISR)
Parents as family vocational adviser for children
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible: Academy of Management in Lodz
- Institute for education, Ltd.
- Supercomputing Center of Galicia
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible: “ the Consultants”
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible
Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion
- Social Innovation Fund
- Vytautas Magnus University
- European Innovation Centre
- ATHENA – Association Education and Development of Women
- Volkshochschule Goettingen.e.V.
- Stichting GAMMA Dienstverlening
- Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd
Mentoring for Adult Education Leaders: Skills to Promote Participation, Gender Balance, Inclusion
- Vidzeme University College Lifelong Learning Centre
- Baltic Bright, Ltd.
- EURO-training
- European Innovation Center
- Swedish Living Center
- Baltic Network for Adult Learning
- Ajuntament de Salt
- Aarhus Social and Health Care College
- Municipality of Reggio Emilia
- Training 2000
- Drenthe College
- Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento, Scuola Universitaria
- Kocaeli Valiliği AB Projeler Koordinasyon Merkezi
- Foundation “Europartners 2007”
- Intel Computer Clubhouse Network – Museum of Science Boston US
From School to Career : A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT)
- Spoleczna Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Zarzadzania
- Abif – analysis, consulting and interdisciplinary research
- Jaunimo Karjeros Centras
- Istanbul Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu
Building Bridges
- Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für politisch-kulturelle Bildung in Brandenburg e.V.
- Instituto Politécnico de Leiria – Instituto de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Estudos Avançados
- Viesoji istaiga „Svietimo, tyrimu ir konsultaciju centras“
- dkommer interkulturelle personalentwicklung
- Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft (BBAG) e.V.
- Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal
- Latgale Social Economy Foundation
- Yalova Çiftlikköy ilçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Directing Life Change
- University of Chester
- Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg
- TREbAG Property- and Project Management Ltd
- Wyższa Szkoła Lingwistyczna
- Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen
- University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre for Continuing Ed.
- Multi Disciplinary Centre, Modiin Municipality
Learning in Active Neighbourhoods across Europe
ATTEMPT – Attractive Training Techniquest to EMpower Parents and Teachers
- Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
- CEFERH (Centre de recherche et de formation en ressources humaines)
- TP-Teatern
- Y.E.S. Forum (Youth and European Social Work) EEIG
- INTEVAL Limited – GB-United Kingdom
- “АSО-90” Ltd – BG-Bulgaria
- Lelekben Otthon Kozhasznu Alapitvany (Home indise Soul Foundation) – HU-Hungary
- Coop. Tulipano 86 – IT-Italy
- Socialinių inovacijų fondas
- Rekabet Kurumu Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
Stronger Children Less Violence 2
- Thüringer Volkshochschulverband e.V.
- Pelican
- Spoleczna Akademia Nauk
- The Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd.
- MHT Consult
Career Tree
- University of Economics and Innovation
- Bahcesehir University
- KADIS d.o.o.
- Polish Psychologists’ Association