Partners and collaborators
Table of contents
- Main collaborating partners
- TauFormar
- Plataforma de teleformación
- International Networks
- Collaborating partners by projects
- Migration – Empowerment – Integration – Netzwerke
- Parents as family vocational adviser for children
- Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion
- Mentoring for Adult Education Leaders: Skills to Promote Participation, Gender Balance, Inclusion
- Lab-Learning
- From School to Career : A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT)
- Building Bridges
- Directing Life Change
- Learning in Active Neighbourhoods across Europe
- ATTEMPT – Attractive Training Techniquest to EMpower Parents and Teachers
- Synergies
- Stronger Children Less Violence 2
- Career Tree
- Protecting Enhancing Preparing Educating Informing – Pr.E.P.E.I.
Main collaborating partners
International Networks
The European Anti-bullying Network is an international non-profit-making association, created in 2013 in the framework of the EU-funded project “European Anti-bullying Network”, and officially registered in Belgium in 2015. EAN is an active network of organizations working in Spain and across Europe to combat bullying and school violence.
Associació Baobab is founding member of the EAN and since 2020 our President takes part of the Board of Directors.
Migration – Empowerment – Integration – Netzwerke
- Paritätisches Bildungswerk Landesverband Nordrheinwestfalen e.V. (PBW)
- VESBE e.V. – Verein für Europäische Sozialarbeit, Bildung und Erziehung
- ZEBRA- Intercultural center for counselling and psychotherapie
- Social Innovation Fund
- European Pole of Knowledge
- Fachhochschule Frankfurt a.M. – Institut für Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (ISR)
Parents as family vocational adviser for children
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible: Academy of Management in Lodz
- Institute for education, Ltd.
- Supercomputing Center of Galicia
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible: “ the Consultants”
- Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible
Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion
- Social Innovation Fund
- Vytautas Magnus University
- European Innovation Centre
- ATHENA – Association Education and Development of Women
- Volkshochschule Goettingen.e.V.
- Stichting GAMMA Dienstverlening
- Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd
Mentoring for Adult Education Leaders: Skills to Promote Participation, Gender Balance, Inclusion
- Vidzeme University College Lifelong Learning Centre
- Baltic Bright, Ltd.
- EURO-training
- European Innovation Center
- Swedish Living Center
- Baltic Network for Adult Learning
- Ajuntament de Salt
- Aarhus Social and Health Care College
- Municipality of Reggio Emilia
- Training 2000
- Drenthe College
- Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento, Scuola Universitaria
- Kocaeli Valiliği AB Projeler Koordinasyon Merkezi
- Foundation “Europartners 2007”
- Intel Computer Clubhouse Network – Museum of Science Boston US
From School to Career : A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT)
- Spoleczna Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Zarzadzania
- Abif – analysis, consulting and interdisciplinary research
- Jaunimo Karjeros Centras
- Istanbul Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu
Building Bridges
- Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für politisch-kulturelle Bildung in Brandenburg e.V.
- Instituto Politécnico de Leiria – Instituto de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Estudos Avançados
- Viesoji istaiga „Svietimo, tyrimu ir konsultaciju centras“
- dkommer interkulturelle personalentwicklung
- Berlin-Brandenburgische Auslandsgesellschaft (BBAG) e.V.
- Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal
- Latgale Social Economy Foundation
- Yalova Çiftlikköy ilçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Directing Life Change
- University of Chester
- Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg
- TREbAG Property- and Project Management Ltd
- Wyższa Szkoła Lingwistyczna
- Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen
- University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre for Continuing Ed.
- Multi Disciplinary Centre, Modiin Municipality
Learning in Active Neighbourhoods across Europe
ATTEMPT – Attractive Training Techniquest to EMpower Parents and Teachers
- Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”
- CEFERH (Centre de recherche et de formation en ressources humaines)
- TP-Teatern
- Y.E.S. Forum (Youth and European Social Work) EEIG
- INTEVAL Limited – GB-United Kingdom
- “АSО-90” Ltd – BG-Bulgaria
- Lelekben Otthon Kozhasznu Alapitvany (Home indise Soul Foundation) – HU-Hungary
- Coop. Tulipano 86 – IT-Italy
- Socialinių inovacijų fondas
- Rekabet Kurumu Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
Stronger Children Less Violence 2
- Thüringer Volkshochschulverband e.V.
- Pelican
- Spoleczna Akademia Nauk
- The Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd.
- MHT Consult
Career Tree
- University of Economics and Innovation
- Bahcesehir University
- KADIS d.o.o.
- Polish Psychologists’ Association