Partners and collaborators

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Main collaborating partners

International Networks

The European Anti-bullying Network is an international non-profit-making association, created in 2013 in the framework of the EU-funded project “European Anti-bullying Network”, and officially registered in Belgium in 2015. EAN is an active network of organizations working in Spain and across Europe to combat bullying and school violence.

Associació Baobab is founding member of the EAN and since 2020 our President takes part of the Board of Directors.

Migration – Empowerment – Integration – Netzwerke

Parents as family vocational adviser for children

Innovative Methods and Practices to facilitate Social Inclusion

Mentoring for Adult Education Leaders: Skills to Promote Participation, Gender Balance, Inclusion


From School to Career : A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT)

Building Bridges

Directing Life Change

Learning in Active Neighbourhoods across Europe

ATTEMPT – Attractive Training Techniquest to EMpower Parents and Teachers



Stronger Children Less Violence 2

Career Tree

Protecting Enhancing Preparing Educating Informing – Pr.E.P.E.I.