Childhood and youth
Projects for childhood and youth
Young people and children form a group in which the Baobab Association, together with other entities and/or associations, has created several projects throughout its trajectory as an association.
Through these, the aim is to improve the quality of life of young people and children, as well as their training and their ability to communicate with adults and vice versa.
Each project consists of different phases, as well as specific objectives and results, activities, methodological guides, material in the form of videos, websites, etc.
On this page you will find the international and national projects in which we have participated, as well as the material that has been generated in each of them.
- PASS Project
International projects
- Partner of the project “PEAB – Peer Education Against Bullying”. Project focused on the prevention of the phenomenon of bullying in the target group of childhood and youth (children and young people between 8 and 16 years-old). Daphne Program.
- Partner in the “Parents as Family Vocational Advisors for Children” project. Project that develops a methodological guide with the purpose to make possible that the parents are able to advise their children to choose their professional future. Socrates – Grundtvig 1 Program.
National projects
“Informatics for Children” (2003-2005). In the framework of the programa de Nuevos Yacimientos de Empleo del Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Developement of a study for the creation of a methodological guide for CIT training aimed at teachers of children between 3 and 6 years.
Developement of a study to determine the technical and economical viability of a services portal aimed at teachers of children between 3 and 6 years.
Creation of the website “La Informàtica del Infants”.
Developement of the study “Detecting new labour fields within the area of leisure and children entertainment”.
Analysis of systems of professional integration for young people. Leonardo da Vinci – Movilidad -. Collaboration with Diputación de Barcelona – Patronato “Flor de Maig”.