
Projects for migrants

For the Baobab Association, one of the pillars of the projects that are carried out is made up of migrants, whether adults or children.

Through these projects, we seek to promote the social and labour integration of migrants who, for whatever reason, have arrived in another country.

It is also promoted that they have the same opportunities as other people and that their training is of quality, attending to the special needs that they may have. 

For this purpose, different projects have been carried out, both international and national, where material such as methodological guides, websites or tools and resources that associations can use have been developed. 

On this page you will find the projects in which we have participated, as well as a brief description and the material that has been generated in each of them.

International projects

Logo Building Bridges Project
  • Partner of the “Building Bridges” project. Project that seeks to promote the social and professional integration of migrants who have decided to change residence due to different reasons and motivations.
  • Partner of the “MEIN – Migration, Empowerment, Integration, Network” project. Project that will develop a methodological guide for intercultural trainers and educators who work with immigrants. Socrates – Grundtvig 1.
Committed-Parents Logo
  • Partner of the project “Committed Parents: Training course to work with migrant parents in family education”. Design and implementation of a Grundtvig training course aimed to professionals who work with immigrant parents in family education. Socrates – Grundtvig 1.
  • Partner of the “Frauen als Akteurinnen des Europäischen Zusammenwachsens (FAKT)” project. Women as Protagonists of European Cooperation. Learning Association for the dissemination of existing best practices in terms of support for migration and cultural diversity in border regions of the EU. Socrates – Grundtvig 2.
  • Partner of the project “Cultures en diàleg”. Project that has developed a methodological guide for intercultural trainers and educators who work with migrants. Socrates – Grundtvig 1.
  • Technical collaboration in the project “Committed fathers”. Creation of a CD-Rom and a manual for trainers in terms of family education addressed to migrants. Programa Socrates – Grundtvig 1.

National projects

  • Vocational training project which aims at the professional integration of groups at risk from social exclusion –Migrant Women at risk–. – Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Collaboration with Centre Cultural de Formació i Ocupació Professional de Sant Martí.