Attempt Project

Attempt Project

Childhood and youth

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What is Attempt Project?

Focus and context

In 2006, Coos Marche Onlus organization ran the Daphne project PEAB –Peer Education Against Bullying- focused on peer education as an approach to allow children develop communicative and behavioural strategies to face peer violence episodes, look for adults’ support, acquire consciousness of one’s own aggressiveness or submissiveness and reflect upon the reaction to a given behaviuor.

The findings of this project outlined that, when bullying episodes occur, children cannot trust adults because unprepared to support and protect them properly.

In this light, ATTEMPT project aims to further investigate the reasons why children perceive such an incompetence.


In the specific, the project aimed to:

  • identify the reason hindering adults from collaborating in finding effective strategy to fight bullying and protect their children;
  • identify the most critical relational and communication problems hindering proper collaboration;
  • design a tailored training session around the emerged problems and needs;
  • identify attractive and innovative techniques to deliver these contents;
  • propose the training session to a group of parents and teachers together;
  • gather their feedback about the efficacy and the impact of the proposed training.

The project mainly targeted professionals from educational staff and parents.

Project Stages

Project activities

The following activities were undertaken under this project:

  • launch of a survey;
  • training session;
  • organization of conferences;
  • workshops;
  • production and distrubution of videos.

The project mainly targeted professionals from educational staff and parents. To reach its objectives, the project carried out a survey involving parents and teachers of one (or more) selected pilot school(s). The analysis of data, in each partner country, resulted in a list of problems which represented the premises for the training contents.

The purpose was to gather expertise from partners and propose a non-conventional training based on highly interactive and innovative techniques. These techniques were mainly based on theatre; their common goal was to help parents and teachers develop coping skills, allowing them to face bullying from a different perspective.

The training sessions were video-recorded in order to collect multimedia material to be used for both evaluation and dissemination purposes.

Children were involved in the follow-up phase: they were asked to evaluate their parents’ and teachers’ behaviours through the vision of the video created during the training. They were also asked to express their feelings about the communication strategies shown in these videos. Finally, they completed a simple questionnaire common for all the partners, to eventually make the comparison of results.


The Dissemination was led by YES Forum Network and was meant to constantly inform people on the project progress and achievements, mainly through the ATTEMPT web site and the YES Forum newsletter.

A final Conference was held in Berlin to present the project results and allow participants to experience some of the training methods, through dedicated workshops.

A pen drive containing the selection of the 4 videos, subtitled in English, was produced for the Final conference and distributed to the participants – it is now available on the ATTEMPT web-site.


The proposed training resulted highly successful in all partner countries, with parents and teachers expressing their satisfaction and their appreciation for the proposed techniques and for their capacity to raise awareness.

The children feedback offered interesting insights worthy of further consideration. Notably, they found the different techniques very effective to promote the dialogue among adults and strengthen their collaboration.

Participants confirmed the potential of these techniques in involving people and  developing a more effective communication way.


More information

To learn more about the Attempt project, please contact us through our web form or write to us at:

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