Stronger Children Project
Childhood and youth
Table of contents
What is the Stronger Children project?
The Stronger Children project is addressed to childhood and youth in the school education and focuses on a new perspective of preventing violence.
In general, prevention is seen as a direct participation in existing situations of danger. Therefore, training usually includes, for example, the recognition of signs of violence to help the attacked out of the situation. This includes, for example, domestic violence or institutional violence.
This project, however, considers training in prevention of violence as a means to help all children to be “stronger”. This includes those who have not even been subjected to violence directly.
The Stronger Children project aims to train teachers / educators to teach children to be stronger, using the immersion method, to have a lasting effect on children. Teachers use situations that arise as a source of learning.
It is also found that, to avoid xenophobic and discriminatory behaviors, preventive measures should begin in early childhood and primary education.
Project Stages
The development of the project will consist of different phases. Dissemination and evaluation activities will be carried out throughout the project.
1. Stage 1
The project begins with Phase 1 (September – October 2014). The phase will begin with the first meeting of the association in Germany (November 2014). The meeting will be used primarily to ensure the establishment of a common understanding of the project, its content and terminology.
To the extent that the project is based on materials developed in the previous project (Stronger Children 1), the project will begin with a pre-test in primary schools to check the suitability of materials and refine the analysis of needs already detected before this proposal. In addition, the new material tested countries involved in nursery schools.
At this stage, at the same time, begin to develop the new materials of two new topics (multiculturalism and inclusion). This will take place from November 2014fins in January 2015.
At the end of this phase the second meeting will be held to discuss the next phase of development (Brno, Czech Republic 2-5 February 2015).
2. Stage 2
The second phase will begin with the pre-test activities already developed in the previous project (February 2015 – June 2015), coinciding with the second half of the teaching period in schools.
Consist of small scale tests of materials already produced the previous project, and its completion will be a meeting with the schools for the printing of the teachers who participated in the pre-test. Elsresultats be presented at the third meeting (Denmark, 17-18 June 2015).
In addition, each partner will establish a regional steering group (GDR) composed of representatives from schools, professionals, experts, potential multipliers, politicians and experts. GDR is expected to take about 8 members per country.
At the first meeting in over the first 5 months of the project, the project will be presented, explained the role of the GDR and the first information received. One topic to be analysed is the training needs and scope of the organization.
We discuss all practical matters regarding the tests. In addition, strategy for dissemination and exploitation will be discussed, and also the role that members of the GDR could play. The main function of the GDR is to give feedback and evaluate processes and results, especially regarding the practical application and adaptation to the target groups.
3. Stage 3
During the phase of pre-test all other results will be developed in parallel (February – September 2015) and the test phase will be prepared. The test will begin in September 2015 and will last almost a whole school year until May 2016 to test materials under real conditions and allow substantial evaluation, especially for the viability of the different concepts. During the test phase evaluation meetings will be to adjust the materials if necessary.
While the test is conducted (Phase 3) the manual and teacher training course for trainers will be developes, as well as dissemination training workshops to test materials.
After the development phase will be carried out evaluation tests and exploitation, from March 2016 until July 2016.
At this stage there will be a meeting of the GDR. Likewise, the new association held workshops to improve the dissemination and training of teachers. In the final phase the fourth meeting of the project will be held.
The results of this phase will be included in the materials developed (from March 2016 to August 2016).
Evaluation and dissemination activities will be conducted throughout the project.
Stronger Children project objectives are:
- Based on the collection of exercises developed in the previous project (Stronger Children Less Violence-1) to adapt it to the primary schools and test it to early childhood education centers in countries that do not participated in the previous project, and developing new exercises focused on understanding diversity and inclusion of children with special needs.
- Creating a guide for teachers (teachers guide) to carry out the exercises on their own, and
- Designing a training course for teachers to develop the necessary skills that enable them to plan and develop violence prevention activities.
Research prior to application of the project has shown that existing prevention programs do not always share a broad interpretation of the concept of preventing violence
These programs also have a number of defects that the current project want to address:
- Often see the participation of people outside the school, instead of teacher training.
- Often distinguish only concrete cases of children.
- Generally address children much older (high school).
- Generally carried out in a very restricted in terms of time (day of the project/ project week).
Some projects even involve children as mediators within their peer group a role that perhaps very problematic for affected children, especially a younger age.
The project deals with the above aspects, providing training to teachers who participate regularly with children. They can address the issue by using situational exercises in a way and on a regular basis. This means that require no external people; time is not restricted; all children in a class addressed. The exercises will take place are suitable for younger children.
- Thüringer Volkshochschulverband e.V. (Germany) – Project lider
- Pelican (Czech Republic)
- Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (Poland)
- MHT Consult (Denmark)
- The Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd. (England)
Project Details
Duration: september 2014 – august 2016
Project carried out within the framework of Erasmus + KA2: Cooperation actions for innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnership. Implementation period: 01.09.2014-31.08.2016.
More information
To learn more about the Stronger Children project, please contact us through our web form or write to us at:
This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission (project no: 2015-1-AT01-KA204-005093). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.
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